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进过辨认鉴别后确认死者为租住在松林街5号的谭美琳(Melina Tan)小姐,24岁,在商场任化妆品销售店员。经过侦查,警方将她男友张增平(ZhengPing Zhang)列为重要嫌疑对象。在将其抓捕后,张承认了其杀害谭小姐的罪行。

On the morning of March 18, municipal garbage collectors were startled to discover a pair fo human legs extending upward when they opened a large garbage dumpster. The workers immediately called in to report the discovery to the police.

When the police patrol arrived on the scene, they removed garbage bags from the dumpster and noted the presence of a female body dressed in fashionable clothing and curled up so as to fit inside the container. When they verified that the victim was no longer breathing, they informed the Homicide Division in order to begin an investigation. The crime scene is a green garbage dumpster on the corner of 5th and Pine streets. The intial report log discloses that the woman was placed into the dumpster in a curled position, with her feet pointing upward; one red high-heeled shoe on her left foot, while her right foot was bare. Both hands were resting against the chest, as was the red right shoe. A woman's handbag, colored white, was also discovered beside the body. The handbag contained an iphone6 mobile phone, some cosmetics, and an undisclosed amount of cash.

The body is removed and transported to the coroner's office via municipal vehicle. The intake inspection at the coroner's office reports the following information:
Hair- Reddish-brown and cut short to just below the ears.
Accessories- pearl necklace, two silver hook earrings; matching, unpeeling, red polish on all fingers and toes.
Clothing- Blue v-neck t-shirt. Black pants, stained with damp urine at the crotch and inner thighs. Black lace panties, also saturated with urine. Additionally, the presence of feces is noted around the anus and buttocks.

The tip of the tongue protrudes approx 1cm past the teeth and is drying. A ligature furrow 8mm in wide extends around the anterior of the throat. The body otherwise exhibits no traumatic injury. Preliminary coroner's report conclused that the cause of death was homicide and the manner of death was asphyxia by mechanical strangulation.

The deceased has been positively identified as Miss Melina Tan, a 24 year old cosmetic sales clerk. Her ex-boyfriend, ZhengPing Zhang, was considered a person of interest in the crime and confessed to the murder almost immediately after being brought in for questioning. He explained that thw two had met about a year earlier an carried on a passionate and lively relationship for some time. But Miss Tan had a penchant for extravagance and borrowed a large sum of money from Zhang throughout their relationship. Eventually, he discovered that her appetites were too large for one man and she had another man on the side, so he broke off the courtship. He tried on numerous occasions to collect on the money he felt she owed him in the ensuing weeks, but she rebuffed him at every turn.

On the night of March 17, he again went over to her home to try and arrange payment fo the debt. This time she was hostile and abusive and a vicious argument ensued. During the course of the argument Zhang lost control of his temper and attacked her, pulling her necklace tightly against the back of her neck. As the wire interior of the necklace was metallic and unyielding, the accessory did not break. He claimed that she struggled for several minutes, but he was too enraged to even realize how serious the assault was until she lost control of her bladder and bowels in the agony of strangulation. By then it was too late. He lowered her to the ground and felt very regretful about his actions, but saw no choice other than to dispose of the body. He transported the corpse to the trash dumpster and muscled her in, then tossed her shoe and handbag in on top and closed the lid.
(Thanks for Baedon translate it into English :))
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quigonjinn086 Featured By Owner Dec 27, 2016
haosejiangjun Featured By Owner Nov 7, 2016
>_< 换成歹徒勒/奸杀熟女警就更赞了~~~~ 奸杀紧身打底裤女警,想想就兴奋~~~~
alpinek Featured By Owner Nov 11, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
xuanbingge Featured By Owner Jul 16, 2016  Student
xiongfei Featured By Owner Apr 9, 2016
22ndbus Featured By Owner Apr 8, 2016
alpinek Featured By Owner Apr 8, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
sihuo Featured By Owner Apr 8, 2016
alpinek Featured By Owner Apr 8, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
哈哈 我好像没做过类似的角色~
sihuo Featured By Owner Apr 8, 2016
abused-toy Featured By Owner Apr 4, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
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